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Montes-Helu, M.C., Kolb, T., Dore, S., Sullivan, B., Hart, S.C., Koch, G. and Hungate, B.A. 2008. Persistent effects of fire-induced vegetation change on energy partitioning and evapotranspiration in ponderosa pine forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. In Press.
Bales, R., Meadows, M., Hopmans, J., Hartsough, P. and Kirchner, P. 2008. Snow and Soil Moisture Response Across Elevation, Aspect and Canopy Variables in a Mixed-conifer Forest, Southern Sierra Nevada. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract. C21A-0496.
Batty, L.C. and Anslow, M. 2008. Effect of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon on the phytoremediation of zinc by two plant species (Brassica Juncea and Festuca Arundinacea). International Journal of Phytoremediation. 10:236-251.
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Robinson, D.A., Campbell, C.S., Hopmans, J.W., Hornbuckle, B.K., Jones, S.B., Knight, R., Ogden, F., Selker, J. and Wendroth, O. 2008. Soil Moisture Measurement for Ecological and Hydrological Watershed-Scale Observatories: A Review. Vadose Zone J. 7:358-389.
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Nemali, K.S., Montesano, F., Dove, S.K. and van Iersel, M.W.  2007. Calibration and performance of moisture sensors in soilless substrates: ECH2O and Theta probes. Scientia Horticulturae. 112(2):227-234.
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